Addressing our clients' performance challenges using the complementarity of our expertise.

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Specialist teams,
targeted solutions

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Specialist teams,
targeted solutions

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For over 15 years, we have worked to provide partnership to our clients, helping them to tackle their performance challenges and fulfil their ambitions. We offer all the agility and attentiveness required of a larger firm. We are a reliable alternative to those large, multidisciplinary companies. We rewrite the rule book and we reinvent our profession with ever more coaching and training for our consultants. Each service is structured to deliver ever greater added value. We deliver with kindness, courage, and a steadfast determination to serve our clients and strive for their success. We are continually changing ourselves to support our clients in their major changes and transformations, both in France and internationally. We are now present in 10 countries and 4 continents. We provide a growing multitude of resources and expertise and offer boundless benchmarks, methodologies and feedback thanks to our recognised training school and laboratory of ideas. Unlike more generalist consultancies, we are niche players in the fields of purchasing and supply chain, finance and management control, project management and process improvement. More than forty managers within our company hold more than three quarters of its capital alongside me. I’m very proud to share our incredible growth with them!

 Richard CARON – President and Founder

Ambition-2030-logo -meogroup



Supporting our clients across their entire value chain.

Strengthening our alliance, partnership and acquisition strategies.

Strengthening our international presence.

Encouraging our employees mobility.



Bringing ever more economic, societal and environmental value together.

Placing our collaborators at the heart of our business – listening to them and growing with them.



Creating an environment where every employee can gain, progress and achieve.

Operating as a career springboard career springboard high standards
and a warm, welcoming environment.



Maintaining our independence, our freedom of action and our commitment to service excellence…

Cultivating ambition, originality and trust in every employee.

Our entrepreneurial spirit

Our entrepreneurial spirit

MEOGROUP’s shareholding, held by a majority of our employees, is a major lever for growth that has proven to be:

Ambitious for our employees, who have shared in our capital throughout our history
• Profitable, thanks to the commitment made to our external investors
Sustainable/strong>, given the majority shareholding held by our employees since our creation in 2005.

As a firm of entrepreneurs, around 40 employees hold shares in the company’s capital. Our organisational and governance model allows our employees to develop their entrepreneurial projects in France and abroad, with the support of tools, skills and networks provided at preferential rates or even free of charge.

Since our beginnings, MEOGROUP has been able to achieve strong growth whilst also developing our business expertise and our client satisfaction levels.
Find out about our awards & partnerships:

MEOGROUP a obtenu le grand prix de la croissance externe , catégorie Small Cap par CF NEWS
Global Awards 2022 - France - Operational consulting firm of the year
EY Entrepreneur de l'Annee_Logo
Corporate Excellence Award 400
Trophée des achats 2023
Achat connect
Drive innovation insights - directeur du contrôle de gestion


EY Entrepreneur de l'Annee_Logo
MEOGROUP a obtenu le grand prix de la croissance externe , catégorie Small Cap par CF NEWS
Global Awards 2022 - France - Operational consulting firm of the year
Corporate Excellence Award 400


Trophée des achats 2023
Achat connect
Bretagne Achats
Drive innovation insights - directeur du contrôle de gestion

Since our beginnings, MEOGROUP has been able to achieve strong growth whilst also developing our business expertise and our client satisfaction levels. Find out about our awards & partnerships:

So that people understand our commitment to being a socially responsible company, we are joining forces to uphold sustainable development.

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy focuses on practical and useful environmental, educational and social initiatives, whether in our day-to-day practices, the partnerships we enter into or the funding we provide to various causes.

We remain particularly concerned with maintaining the ethical conduct of our business, our relationships with clients and the management of our teams.

MOur utmost concern, the very heart of what counts, is people. Human qualities must be promoted and rewarded. We thrive our employees to be surpassing themselves, to contribute to the team spirit, to get involved and to encourage collaboration for them to achieve excellence through honesty and transparancy, as well as to act respectfully towards all clients and ultimately maintaining a healthy and motivating working environment.

Find out more about our commitments:


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  • Controlling energy consumption: automatic standby, switching off equipment at day’s end and weekends
  • Preserving natural resources: sorting and recycling waste, paperless workplaces, recycling electronic devices, etc.
  • Combating pollution: using public transport, promoting carpooling, working from home
  • We opt to use European and ecologically responsible suppliers for all our brands
  • Raising employee awareness of daily ecological actions


White captain icon
  • A perpetual and evolving commitment whereby we regularly evaluate our CSR performance through the EcoVadis platform, which certifies the quality of our services as a supplier
  • We respect and protect human rights and adhere to the 10 principles of the UN pact
  • Guaranteed protection of personal data: our compliance process was launched in 2018
  • Anti-corruption practices from all our employees.


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  • Happy and fulfilled employees: Social and Economic Committee, bonuses, profit-sharing uniformly distributed, staff induction seminar, use of consultants in internal projects
  • Sustainable employment: consultants monitored during assignment, training, career options
  • Equality always advocated and defended: action plans to maintain gender parity and equality, programmes promoting employment of more senior staff members and employees with disabilities
  • Managerial Charter signed by all managers
  • Signing of the Diversity Charter.


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  • Fair, equitable and honest treatment of all our partners, consultants and suppliers
  • Committed suppliers who are respectful of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and approved by Provigis
  • The working conditions and well-being of our employees are at the heart of what we do: the right to disconnect, working from home, road safety, awareness-raising
  • Sponsorship: as well as sponsoring the “4 matelots pleins d’énergie” team who sailed around the Atlantic to promote better global access to sustainable energy, we offer a training levy, we participate in the Arrondi sur Salaire scheme in France (enabling employers to make charitable contributions from their salary that employers can match) and enjoy a nonprofit partnership with Le Rameau.


  • Controlling energy consumption: automatic standby, switching off equipment at day’s end and weekends
  • Preserving natural resources: sorting and recycling waste, paperless workplaces, recycling electronic devices, etc.
  • Combating pollution: using public transport, promoting carpooling, working from home
  • We opt to use European and ecologically responsible suppliers for all our brands
  • Raising employee awareness of daily ecological actions


  • A perpetual and evolving commitment whereby we regularly evaluate our CSR performance through the EcoVadis platform, which certifies the quality of our services as a supplier
  • We respect and protect human rights and adhere to the 10 principles of the UN pact
  • Guaranteed protection of personal data: our compliance process was launched in 2018
  • Anti-corruption practices from all our employees.


  • Happy and fulfilled employees: Social and Economic Committee, bonuses, profit-sharing uniformly distributed, staff induction seminar, use of consultants in internal projects
  • Sustainable employment: consultants monitored during assignment, training, career options
  • Equality always advocated and defended: action plans to maintain gender parity and equality, programmes promoting employment of more senior staff members and employees with disabilities
  • Managerial Charter signed by all managers
  • Signing of the Diversity Charter.


  • Fair, equitable and honest treatment of all our partners, consultants and suppliers
  • Committed suppliers who are respectful of the eight fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and approved by Provigis
  • The working conditions and well-being of our employees are at the heart of what we do: the right to disconnect, working from home, road safety, awareness-raising
  • Sponsorship: as well as sponsoring the “4 matelots pleins d’énergie” team who sailed around the Atlantic to promote better global access to sustainable energy, we offer a training levy, we participate in the Arrondi sur Salaire scheme in France (enabling employers to make charitable contributions from their salary that employers can match) and enjoy a nonprofit partnership with Le Rameau.

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